
All posts tagged Soundboard

Widespread Panic
The Nick
Birmingham, AL

0: Proving Ground, Stop-Go, Pigeons, Holden Oversoul, Machine, Heaven, Space Wrangler, Worry, Travelin’ Light, Barstools and Dreamers, C. Brown > Jam > Impossible, Conrad
E: Ball of Confusion

[Col. Bruce Hampton & the Aquarium Rescue Unit opened]

source: soundboard

John Bell (and friends)
House of Blues
Lake Buena Vista, FL

01. Skinny
02. Tortured Artist
03. Gradle
04. Banter
05. Light is Like Water*
06. Banter
07. Tarantula Hawk*
08. Drive*
09. Chilly Water**
10. Empire One***
11. The Jacob Ladder***
12. Speedwater***
13. Airplane**
14. Climb to Safety**

* with Jerry Joseph; **with Jerry Joseph and JoJo Hermann;
*** Jerry and JoJo only (no JB)

Source: DSBD master > Fostex d-5 > Tascam CDRW-700 > EAC > Cool Edit > FLAC
All by Steve Bohannon

Original SBD master DAT cuts during Airplane. It was spliced at that point
with audience source ADK A51-TL>V3>TRmod SBM-1>JB3.

Jesse Mc’s source

John ‘JoJo’ Hermann (solo)
Proud Larry’s
Oxford, MS


01. Almost Infinite >
02. Chunk Of Coal
03. Tipitina
04. Larry Brown Amen >
05. Jaded Tourist
06. Ride Me High >
07. Christmas at St. Louis
08. Big Wooly Mammoth >
09. Greta
10. All Time Low
11. Skating on the Pond >
12. Dyin’ Man
13. Such a Night >
14. Red Beans


01. Baby Let Me Hold Your Hand >
02. Squirrels in the Attic
03. Rabbit Box
04. Bayou Lena
05. Disco >
06. Bust It Big >
07. Disco
08. Stagger Lee
09. Mountain Hideaway
10. One Arm Steve >
11. Imitation Leather Shoes


12. I Don’t Worry About a Thing
13. Tall Boy >
14. Blackout Blues

[‘Up All Night’ tease during ‘One Arm Steve’]

Source: SBD + Schoeps MK21(nos) > KC5 > CMC6 > Zoom F8n Pro(24/48)
Location: fob/dfc
Transfer: SDXC > ThinkPad > Magix Samplitude Pro X8 Suite(Mono > Stereo; 4-Channel > 2-Channel; Master Volume) > Sound Forge Pro 16(Resample; Dither; Graphic EQ; Fade) > CD Wave > TLH(Level 8)
Taped, tracked and streamed by Jesse McAlister

Widespread Panic
Uptown Lounge
Athens, GA

One Set:

01. //Conrad,
02. Papa Legba,
03. Driving Song * >
04. Disco * >
05. Driving Song * >
06. Breathing Slow *,
07. The Take Out * >
08. Porch Song *,
09. Sweet Leaf
10. Werewolves of London >
11. I Walk On Guilded Splinters >
12. Drums >
13. Contentment Blues **,
14. Cryptical Envelopment >
15. The Last Straw,
16. Pigeons, //

* with David Blackmon on fiddle
** with Unknown on saxophone

[‘C. Brown’ is listed as last song on Everyday Companion, however, listed as unknown placement and not present on this tape; ‘Sweet Leaf’ is not listed as being played this night on Everyday Companion, however, you can hear ‘Werewolves of London’ start right after ‘Sweet Leaf’ when there is a tape flip at the beginning of ‘Werewolves of London’; no other show listed on Everyday Companion has a ‘Sweet Leaf’ and ‘Werewolves of London’ listed consecutively. This very well may be the first time played for ‘Sweet Leaf’; “Psycho” and “Jason” rap by Dave during ‘Drums’]

***MP3 Source***

Source: SBD > Cassette (Unknown Gen) > DAT
Transfer: DAT > Panasonic SV-3700 > Focusrite 2i2 > Reaper (24bit/44.1kHz) > Wavelab 6.1 (Dither) > CDWave > TLH > MP3 (V0)
Sourced and Transferred by Sam Holt. Dithered, Tracked and Seeded by Martin Medley.

Sam Holt’s soundboard source

Widespread Panic
Classic Amphitheater
Richmond, VA

One Set:

01. Intro
02. The Take Out >
03. Porch Song >
04. Pleas,
05. Love Tractor,
06. Hatfield >
07. Pilgrims >
08. Machine >
09. Travelin’ Light,
10. Can’t Get High >
11. Walkin’ (For Your Love),
12. Flat Foot Flewzy

[HORDE show; Everyday Companion notes that Space Wrangler was played after Porch Song; however, that does not appear to be the case]

Source: SBD
Transfer: DAT > Panasonic SV-3700 > Focusrite 2i2 > Reaper (24bit/44.1kHz) > Wavelab 6.1 (Dither) > CDWave > TLH > FLAC (8)
Sourced and Transferred by Sam Holt. Dithered, Tracked and Seeded by Martin Medley.

Widespread Panic promo photo – 1990

Sam’s Notes: I was at this show, and I bet there were only like 700 people there. The place was empty, we basically walked up to the 10th row and had it to ourselves. During the encore some guy threw an almost full beer at JB. Jb says, “he’s such a dangerous form in the very first row!” I remember Larry Acquaviva coming out and pointing at the guy, like you better watch yourself pal! They sounded so good through a big PA.

Sam Holt’s source

Widespread Panic
Oak Mountain Amphitheatre
Pelham, AL

One Set:

01. // Pigeons >
02. Impossible
03. Walkin’ (For Your Love)
04. Porch Song
05. Proving Ground
06. Gimme >
07. Machine >
08. Barstools and Dreamers >
09. Drums >
10. Rock
11. Jack
12. Travelin’ Light
13. Love Tractor


14. Space Wrangler

[‘Pigeons’ is incomplete; tape flip and a few dropouts during ‘Drums’; dropout during ‘Rock’]

***16bit Source***

Source: SBD > Cassette (Unknown Gen) > DAT
Transfer: DAT > Panasonic SV-3700 > Focusrite 2i2 > Reaper (24bit/44.1kHz) > Wavelab 6.1 > CDWave > TLH > FLAC (8)
Sourced and Transferred by Sam Holt. Dithered, Tracked and Seeded by Martin Medley.

Soundboard source

Jerry Joseph & the Jackmormons
The Mint
Hailey, ID
“This One’s For Mikey!!”

Set 1-
1. tuning, intro>
2. Light Is Like Water>
3. Just Over In the Glory Land>
4. Brother Michael>
5. Climb To Safety @
6. Both Of You>
7. The Kind Of Place

Set 2-
1. tuning, intro>
2. Most Beautiful Day>
3. Conscious Contact **
4. Sometimes You Just Lose It>
5. Mountain Song>
6. Mountain Home
7. Cool Hand Love
8. The Monkey>
9. Sparkle>
10. Pearl Of Great Price
11. Hearts Gone Blind #

@=w/ “calling out your name>i saw the light>bottom of the well” raps
**=w/ “death ruminations>on the road/death story” raps & “rest in peace for Mikey” shoutout ending
#=w/ “Fire On the Mountain (incl.’scarlet begonias’ jams interwoven at times)” &
“the heart of the matter>flying cowboys” raps & “most beautiful day” rap ending

Total: 2:45:45

Jerry Joseph – guitar, vox
Junior Ruppel – bass, b.vox
Brad Rosen – drums, percussion

Jim Bull – foh sound

**16 bit source**
Source: sbd
Transfer: dat>cd>eac>soundforge>(fades)>cd wave>flac
Transferred by Craig Davis
–plus–dc offset, Mix, lc, VC, EQ, PD&Norm, FR, CR, RT, fades & info research by Bill Mulvey–3/2021.

vanillag NOTES:
–This one’s for Mikey!!: Michael Houser sadly passed on this afternoon at his home in Athens, GA from complications related to pancreatic cancer – the whole night is inspired by & dedicated to him w/ shoutouts & references throughout.
–the sound on this show, while nice & clear, was a little strange with the stereo imaging in that Jerry’s vox & guitar were mostly panned to the right & the drums mostly panned to the left (bass up the middle)…it’s a little off-putting/distracting to listen to the show this way (IMO) so I mixed the channels together to make things more balanced–this makes the proceedings in glorious mono, of course, but since the stereo imaging here was so bizarre, I felt the sacrifice was worth it to bring the sound more in balance & make it an improved listening experience (again, IMO)
–there wasn’t much bass nearly at all in this thing when I started…there is now–hahaha!!
–combed thru & removed many little clicks in this show that I discovered (both loud & soft ones)
–smoothed out a huge volume change ‘jump’ in the recording at the beginning of the show where the recording volume was suddenly jacked down (about a 7db difference!!)
–was able to cleanly remove 3 bad bits of feedback in Set 1; removed an additional 21 bad bits of feedback in Set 2
–put a bunch of careful, detailed love into this & feel like it came out much, much better.
–wish we could all go to that party at Farmer Brown’s in Boise the next afternoon that JJ mentions (set2t10 after tune)

Photo by Ted Rockwell

Widespread Panic
March 13, 1990
The Inferno
Steamboat Springs, CO

1. L.a. >
2. Conrad
3. Holden Oversoul
4. Knocking ‘Round The Zoo
5. Stop-Go >
6. B of D
7. Sleepy Monkey
8. Love Tractor
9. Walkin’ (For Your Love) >
10. I’m Not Alone >
11. Chilly Water

Opened for Little Women
first few seconds of L.a. are missing
Tape flip after Love Tractor
Sleepy Monkey includes an extra verse

Soundboard > Master Cassette > Onkyo TA-R410 > Komplete Audio 6 > Audacity (tracking and increase levels) > FLAC

Taped by: Glenn Burnsilver
Tape supplied by: Bryce Hall
Transferred, mastered, and converted by: Ted Rockwell

Photo by Chris McKay

‘The Bell and Keane Show’
One Love Music Hall
Athens, GA
BreastFest 2003

01. tuning…
02. JB banter…Let’s Get The Show On The Road
03. Me And The Devil Blues
04. Blue Indian
05. Radio Child
06. Gradle
07. Mercy
08. Grandma’s Hands
09. Genesis
10. Old Joe
11. …outro

JB on acoustic and John Keane on electric

Source: SBD -> DAT -> CD-R -> Wavelab -> cd wave/flac

Sam Holt’s source

Widespread Panic
Johnny Mercer Auditorium
Savannah, GA

One Set:

01. Intro
02. Driving Song >
03. Diner >
04. Driving Song >
05. Makes Sense To Me >
06. Little Kin
07. Pleas >
08. Wondering >
09. Me And The Devil Blues
10. Henry Parsons Died
11. Hatfield >
12. Pigeons
13. Pilgrims >
14. Who Do You Belong To?
15. Ain’t Life Grand
16. Chilly Water >
17. Walkin’ (For Your Love)


Get Up Early In The Morning (Missing)
Love Tractor (Missing)

[Encore is missing from DAT]

***16bit Source***

Source: SBD > DAT
Transfer: DAT > Panasonic SV-3700 > Focusrite 2i2 > Reaper (24bit/44.1kHz) > Wavelab 6.1 > CDWave > TLH > FLAC (8)
Sourced and Transferred by Sam Holt. Dithered, Tracked and Seeded by Martin Medley.

Sam Holt’s source

Widespread Panic
Hollins University – Cafeteria
Roanoke, VA

Set 1:

01. Travelin’ Light,
02. Let’s Get The Show On The Road,
03. Walk On,
04. Pigeons,
05. Worry,
06. Dog Song >
07. Fishwater,
08. Porch Song

Set 2:

01. Love Tractor,
02. Barstools and Dreamers,
03. Space Wrangler >
04. Jam
05. Drums //
06. Holden Oversoul
07. Stop-Go
08. Rock
09. Weight of the World
10. Conrad

[DAT was missing Holden Oversoul, Stop-Go, Rock, Weight of the World, and Conrad]

***16bit Source***

Source: SBD > Cassette (0) > DAT
Transfer: DAT > Panasonic SV-3700 > Focusrite 2i2 > Reaper (24bit/44.1kHz) > Wavelab 6.1 > CDWave > TLH > FLAC (8)
Sourced and Transferred by Sam Holt. Dithered, Tracked and Seeded by Martin Medley.

Download: FLACs | MP3s

Widespread Panic
Municipal Auditorium
New Orleans, LA


01. Diner >
02. Pigeons >
03. Better Off
04. Pilgrims >
05. Love Tractor
06. Get Up Early In The Morning*
07. Fishwater*

E: Porch Song, Makes Sense To Me

* with Chan Kinchla on guitar, John Popper on harmonica

[HORDE show; Slow ‘Porch Song’; “Happy Birthday JoJo” before ‘Get Up Early In The Morning’]

Source: DSBD uploaded by Sam Holt
Tracked by HomeTeam_FM

Widespread Panic
Waite Chapel
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC.

Set 1:

01. A of D >
02. Love Tractor,
03. Jack >
04. Makes Sense To Me,
05. Diner >
06. Space Wrangler >
07. Henry Parsons Died >
08. Mr. Soul

Set 2:

01. Fishwater
02. Holden Oversoul//
03. L.a. >
04. Machine >
05. Travelin’ Light

Source: SBD > DAT
Transfer: DAT > Panasonic SV-3700 > Focusrite 2i2 > Reaper (24bit/44.1kHz) > Wavelab 12 > CDWave > TLH > FLAC (8)
Sourced and Transferred by Sam Holt. Dithered, Tracked and Seeded by Martin Medley.

06. //Impossible
07. Pilgrims >
08. Rock >
09. Porch Song


01. Airplane >
02. Can’t Get High

Source: SBD > DA-P20 @ 48.0khz
Transfer: Tascam DA-45HR > Audiophile 24/96 USB > Cool Edit Pro > CDWave > FLAC (6)
Converted and Edited by D.P. Swint. Seeded by Patrick Wood.

[The 1st set for this show and part of start of 2nd set was found; I combined the SBD > DA-P20 to what Sam provided to try and make it a nearly complete show; no editing performed to SBD > DA-P20 files]

Photo by Brandon Cale

John Bell
Athens, GA


01. Good Lovin’
02. Love The One You’re With
03. Never Been To Spain >
04. For What It’s Worth >
05. Feelin’ Alright,
06. Man Smart, Woman Smarter
07. Sugar Magnolia >
08. Good Lovin’ >
09. Sugar Magnolia,
10. Moondance
11. Truckin’
12. Locomotive Breath
13. Scarlet Begonias >
14. Bertha >
15. Not Fade Away >
16. Scarlet Begonias >
17. Not Fade Away
18. Eyes Of The World
19. Brown Eyed Girl
20. Peaceful, Easy Feeling
21. Jammin’
22. Easy Wind
23. No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature
24. Coming Into Los Angeles
25. Wooden Ships
26. She Loves Me Like A Rock
27. Here’s To Uncle George
28. Shakedown Street
29. Good Lovin’
30. When The Music’s Over

[Exact date unknown (sometime in 1984) and location unsure; JB solo; Actual title of ‘Here’s To Uncle George’ is unknown; ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’ rap during ‘For What It’s Worth’; ‘Fire On The Mountain’ tease before ‘Scarlet Begonias’]

Source: SBD > Analog > CD
Transfer: Analog > CD-R > EAC > Cool Edit Pro > CDWave > CD-R > EAC > Flac(level 6)

Transfered & Edited by ??
EAC’d & Seeded by D.P. Swint

John Bell and Friends
Websters Lake
Auburn, AL


01. Space Wrangler
02. Ribs And Whiskey
03. Blackout Blues
04. Crack And Whistle
05. Dog Song
06. JoJo jam
07. On Your Way Down
08. Last Train
09. Geraldine And The Honeybee
10. City of Dreams
11. Mercy
12. Rock Steady > Satisfied > Rock Steady


13. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door

– ‘Space Wrangler’ and ‘Ribs and Whiskey’ JB solo
– ‘Blackout Blues’, ‘Crack and Whistle’ and ‘Dog Song’ JB, JoJo, and Todd
– ‘On Your Way Down’, ‘Last Train’, ‘Geraldine And The Honeybee’ and ‘City of Dreams’ JB, Todd, JoJo, John Keane, and Carl Lindberg
– ‘Mercy’, ‘Rock Steady > Satisfied > Rock Steady’ JB, Todd, JoJo, John Keane, Carl Lindberg, and Debra Reece
– ‘Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door’ JB, Todd, JoJo, John Keane, Carl Lindberg, and Kevn Kinney

[Billed as ‘JB & Friends’; The Grapes and Col. Bruce Hampton also appeared]

Widespread Panic
Washington & Lee University
Lexington, VA

Set 1

01. Space Wrangler
02. Wooden Ships
03. Another Man Done Gone
04. New Speedway Boogie
05. Pigeons
06. Me And My Uncle >
07. Travelin’ Light
08. Bird Song
09. Dear Mr. Fantasy
10. I Know You Rider
11. Let It Rock

Set 2

01. And It Stoned Me >
02. Stop-Go >
03. Ophelia
04. Feelin’ Alright
05. L.a. >
06. Man Smart, Woman Smarter > There’s A Hole In The Bucket > Man Smart, Woman Smarter

Direct Downloads: MP3s | FLACs

Widespread Panic
City Stages Festival
Birmingham, AL


Pigeons (cut) >
Better Off (cut)
01. Space Wrangler
02 Fishwater
03 Send Your Mind
04 Walkin’ (For Your Love)
05 Hatfield
06 Makes Sense To Me
07 I’m Not Alone
08 The Take Out >
09 Porch Song
10 Proving Ground


11. Rock
12. Love Tractor

Source: DSBD> ?
Conversion: CD>EAC>Flac
Conversion and seeded by: Alan S

Direct Downloads: MP3s (V0) | FLACs

Widespread Panic
Uptown Lounge
Athens, GA

Single Set

01. New Speedway Boogie
02. Wooden Ships
03. Travelin’ Light
04. Feelin’ Alright
05. Walk On
06. Do What You Like >
07. Spoonful (cuts)
       China Cat Sunflower (cut) >
08. Cream Puff War >
09. Drums >
10. Sleepy Monkey
11. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
12. Jam >
13. Not Fade Away >
14. Coconut >
15. Stop-Go (cuts)

[Setlist Incomplete; WUOG broadcast]

Source: DSBD> ? (I believe this is a CAS remaster with minor cleanup)
Conversion: CD>EAC>Flac
Conversion and seeded by: Alan S –

Direct Download: MP3s (V0) | FLACs

Widespread Panic
Uptown Lounge
Athens, GA

SET 1 only

01: Let It Rock
02: Chilly Water
03: Walk On
04: Cream Puff War
05: Feelin’ Alright
06: Sleepy Monkey
07: Fire on the Mountain

2: Bowlegged Woman, Porch Song, Little Wing > Jam > Drums > Heaven > Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys
[Setlist Incomplete]

Source: DSBD> ? (I believe this is SBD>CAS1>Minor Cleanup)
Conversion: CD>EAC>Flac
Conversion and seeded by: Alan S

Direct Download: FLACs | MP3s

Widespread Panic
Roseland Theater
Portland, OR

1st set

01. She Caught The Katy >
02. C. Brown
03. Holden Oversoul >
04. Stop-Go >
05. Papa’s Home >
06. Walkin’ (For Your Love)
07. Worry
08. Wondering
09. Love Tractor

2nd set

10. Fishwater
11. Pigeons
12. I’m Not Alone
13. Tie Your Shoes > Jam >
14. Bowlegged Woman

Heaven, Machine > Barstools and Dreamers, Conrad E: Driving Song > Breathing Slow

[The Strangers opened; Last ‘Breathing Slow’ – 02/11/90, 415 shows]

Source: DSBD> ?
Conversion: CD>EAC>Flac
Conversion and seeded by: Alan S