All posts tagged HORDE Tour

Widespread Panic
Trout Aire Amphitheatre
Forest Lake, MN

Set I:

1. //Machine >
2. Barstools and Dreamers
3. It Ain’t No Use >
4. Papa Legba
5. The Last Straw
6. Can’t Get High
7. Junior
8. Dream Song
9. Conrad

0: Disco > Machine > Barstools and Dreamers, It Ain’t No Use > Papa Legba, The Last Straw, Can’t Get High, Junior, Dream Song, Conrad

[First ‘Can’t Get High’; HORDE show]

CDR > EAC (secure) > FLAC

source: soundboard

Sam Holt’s soundboard source

Widespread Panic
Classic Amphitheater
Richmond, VA

One Set:

01. Intro
02. The Take Out >
03. Porch Song >
04. Pleas,
05. Love Tractor,
06. Hatfield >
07. Pilgrims >
08. Machine >
09. Travelin’ Light,
10. Can’t Get High >
11. Walkin’ (For Your Love),
12. Flat Foot Flewzy

[HORDE show; Everyday Companion notes that Space Wrangler was played after Porch Song; however, that does not appear to be the case]

Source: SBD
Transfer: DAT > Panasonic SV-3700 > Focusrite 2i2 > Reaper (24bit/44.1kHz) > Wavelab 6.1 (Dither) > CDWave > TLH > FLAC (8)
Sourced and Transferred by Sam Holt. Dithered, Tracked and Seeded by Martin Medley.

Download: FLACs | MP3s

Widespread Panic
Municipal Auditorium
New Orleans, LA


01. Diner >
02. Pigeons >
03. Better Off
04. Pilgrims >
05. Love Tractor
06. Get Up Early In The Morning*
07. Fishwater*

E: Porch Song, Makes Sense To Me

* with Chan Kinchla on guitar, John Popper on harmonica

[HORDE show; Slow ‘Porch Song’; “Happy Birthday JoJo” before ‘Get Up Early In The Morning’]

Source: DSBD uploaded by Sam Holt
Tracked by HomeTeam_FM

Widespread Panic
Red Rocks
Morrison, CO

Set I:

1. Pigeons > Pleas
2. Hatfield
3. Travelin’ Light
4. Weight Of The World
5. Diner
6. Space Wrangler > Walkin’
7. Proving Ground > Postcard

unknown filler at the end of track 7

source: soundboard

Widespread Panic
Deer Creek Music Center
Noblesville, IN

Set I:

1. Send Your Mind
2. Weight Of The World
3. Papa’s Home
4. Driving Song >
5. Heaven >
6. Happy Child >
7. Driving Song
8. Rock
9. Wondering
10. Henry Parsons Died
11. Hatfield
12. Barstools and Dreamers
13. Porch Song

source: soundboard

Widespread Panic
HORDE tour
Empire Court
Syracuse, NY

one set

ARU/WSP Jam (fades in)
Love Tractor
C. Brown
Machine >
Barstools and Dreamers
Proving Ground >
Drums >
Pickin’ Up Pieces
Chilly Water

source: akg460b/ck8>oade preamp>casio dat, taped by rick

notes: the bands jammed together to segue between acts, and the jams to start the sets are just as they were on the master DATs.
john m

Widespread Panic
Riverport Amphitheater
Maryland Heights, MO (St Louis area)

01. Holden Oversoul
02. Stop-Go
03. Hatfield
04. Can’t Get High
05. Worry
06. Pilgrims
07. Love Tractor
08. Mr. Soul
09. Walkin’ (For Your Love)
10. Makes Sense To Me

2nd annual H.O.R.D.E. tour (Horizons of Rock Developing Everywhere) featuring:
Aquarium Rescue Unit
Blues Traveler
Big Head Todd
The Samples
Widespread Panic

Source: Realistic PZM microphones (12V, on stand) > Marantz PMD430 > Sony Metal Master 90 Cassette (no NR)
Location: Sect CNTR, Row AA, Seat 123
taped and transferred by TAS aka morst
Ticket price: $15.95


Widespread Panic
July 31st, 1993
H.O.R.D.E. Festival
Stowe Performing Arts Center, Stowe, VT

01. Holden Oversoul [07:24.67]
02. Henry Parsons Died [04:49.57]
03. Pleas [06:05.42]
04. Postcard [04:33.06]
05. Hatfield [10:48.14]
06. Pilgrims [08:15.74]
07. Wondering [05:02.40]
08. Can’t Get High* [05:06.46]
09. Chilly Water* [11:46.20]
Total: [63:52.66]

* with Warren Haynes on guitar

Show is complete but JB’s “We’re Widespread Panic” is cut off at the
very end.

B&K 4011’s > Neumann BS48i-2 > Sony TCD-D3 DAT M
Mics at 110^ ORTF
by John Goodhue
Conversion by Dave Mallick


July 25th, 1993
Merriweather Post Pavilion
Columbia, MD

1. Send Your Mind >
2. Wondering
3. Walkin’ (For Your Love) >
4. Hatfield >
5. Pigeons
6. Who Do You Belong To?
7. Little Kin
8. Pleas
9. Pickin’ Up The Pieces*
10. Fishwater*

* with Jeff Sipe on percussion, Matt Mundy on mandolin

[HORDE Show — 1 Set]




Widespread Panic
July 17, 1993
Mud Island Amphitheater
Memphis, TN
2nd Annual H.O.R.D.E. Tour

01. Postcard >
02. Chilly Water >
03. Wondering >
04. Fishwater >
05. Papa’s Home
06. Can’t Get High
07. Junior
08. The Take Out >
09. Porch Song
10. ‘crowd and tuning’


10. Hatfield >
11. Proving Ground
12. ‘stage announcements’

Source: Soundboard > DAT
A Home Team transfer by JTL


Widespread Panic
July 16, 1993
World’s Fair Park
Knoxville, TN

01. Tuning
02. Henry Parsons Died >
03. Little Kin >
04. Pleas
05. Diner >
06. Drums >
07. Dream Song >
08. Space Wrangler >
09. Walkin’
10. Travelin’ Light
11. Crowd / Tuning
12. Pilgrims

2nd Annual H.O.R.D.E. Tour

Source: Nakimichi-CM300/CP1 (15+ feet from stage/12+ feet high) > DAT(master)
A Home Team transfer by JTL


Widespread Panic
HORDE tour
Cumberland County Civic Center
Portland, ME

Set (fades in)

Weight of the World,
Makes Sense to Me,
I’m Not Alone,
Just Kissed My Baby,
Travelin’ Light

source: akg460b/ck8>oade preamp>casio dat, taped by rick transfer: master DAT>DAT(1)>cd(1)>eac>cdwave>flac>you
notes: great tapes and very cool sets, thank you rick! john m

Widespread Panic
Starwood Amphitheater,
Antioch, TN

0ne Set:

01. Postcard,
02. Who Do You Belong To?,
03. Hatfield,
04. Walkin’ (For Your Love),
05. Makes Sense To Me >
06. Papa’s Home >
07. Drums >
08. Papa’s Home,
09. Entering A Black Hole Backwards >
10. Chilly Water >
11. Pleas >
12. Chilly Water,
13. Can’t Get High,
14. Porch Song


15. Turn On Your Love Light*,
16. Fishwater*

* with Col. Bruce Hampton on guitar/vocals

[HORDE show; Last ‘Turn On Your Love Light’ – 07/28/91, 351 shows]


Thanks to Ike for the DAT. Transer by TeddyDunski.


Widespread Panic
Merriweather Post Pavillion
Columbia, MD

01 ARU/WSP Jam * >
02 Better Off
03 Just Kissed My Baby
04 Conrad the Caterpillar
05 Walkin’ (for your love)
06 Makes Sense to Me
07 Diner >
08 Impossible Song
09 Weight of the World
10 Pickin’ Up the Pieces
11 Entering a Black Hole Backwards >
12 Chilly Water


Source: (fob) Schoeps > Sony D10
Taped by: Unknown (DAT clone courtesy of Mike Phelps)
Transfer by: BobbyHurley (9/24/08)
Reseed by Brad Kirby


Widespread Panic
Palladium Amphitheater Carowinds
Charlotte, NC

0ne Set:
1. Machine >
2. Travelin’ Light
3. Wondering
4. Space Wrangler
5. Pigeons
6. It Ain’t No Use
7. The Last Straw >
8. Tie Your Shoes >
9. Worry
10. Proving Ground

[HORDE show]

source: matrix 50% aud 50% sbd
aud source: AKG 522 stereo > DAT (flacs from puba)
sbd source: sbd > ? > cd > eac (log included) wavemerge was used to

matrix done by Gordon Wilson
thanks to TeddyDunski and puba for the akg source and a big thanks to Anthony Radford for tracking down the sbd of his first show.

Widespread Panic
August 7, 1993
Great Woods
Mansfield, MA

01 Pleas
02 Who Do You Belong To ?
03 Better Off
04 Hatfield
05 Driving Song >
06 Henry Parsons Died >
07 Driving Song
08 Maggot Brain
09 Papa’s Home
10 Rock
11 Can’t Find My Way Home
12 Weight of the World

Source: Soundboard
Transfer by: BobbyHurley

Widespread Panic
August 5, 1993
Garden State Arts Center
Holmdel, NJ
2nd Annual H.O.R.D.E. Festival

01. …Pleas >
02. Fishwater
03. Mercy >
04. Jam >
05. Entering A Black Hole Backwards >
06. Chilly Water
07. Pilgrims >
08. Dream Song

– transfered, tweeked and seeded by JTL (Home Team) –

Widespead Panic
Oak Mountain Amphitheater
Pelham AL

Who Do You Belong To?
Weight Of The World
Makes Sense To Me
Driving Song >
Diner > Jam >
Driving Song
Pickin’ Up The Pieces*
Flat Foot Flewzy**

E: Werewolves of London***

* with Jimmy Herring on guitar, John Popper on harmonica
** with John Popper on harmonica
*** with Big Head Todd and the Monsters, Blues Traveler, Col. Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit, The Samples
[HORDE show]

Source: DSBD


Widespread Panic
Lakewood Amphitheater
Atlanta, GA.

1 Set
01. Intro
02 Postcard,
03. Love Tractor,
04. Hatfield,
05. Pilgrims,
06. Henry Parsons Died,
07. Can’t Get High,
08. Space Wrangler,
09. Walkin’ (For Your Love),
10. Diner,
11. Wondering
01. Papa’s Home >
02. Drums >
03. Bass+Drums>
04. Papa’s Home,
05. The Take Out* >
06. Porch Song*,
07. Fishwater** >
08. Travelin’ Light**

09. E: Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys***

10. Filler – JKMB (7-21-91) w/ Warren

* with David Blackmon on fiddle
** with John Popper on harmonica
*** with David Blackmon on fiddle, John Popper on harmonica

[HORDE show]

Source: SBD
DAT>CD Conversion by Chris Dewer
CD>SHN Conversion by Derick Vaughan
SHN> FLAC By: Michael Wilker

Widespread Panic
August 13, 1993
Palladium Amphitheater
Charlotte, NC.
2nd Annual H.O.R.D.E. Tour

01. ‘intro and tuning’
02. Holden Oversoul >
03. Better Off
04. Little Kin
05. Pigeons >
06. Wondering >
07. Walkin’ >
08. Hatfield >
09. Maggot Brain >
10. Can’t Get High >
11. Chilly Water

Source: Nakimichi-CM300/CP1 > DAT (clone from master)
Taped by CheezeFrog72 (Home Team)
Transferred and seeded by JTL (Home Team)